Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sushi and Ellen!

Last night me and my roommates went up to Salt Lake with our buddy Jayci! (Oh how I love her!) We went to my favorite restaurant Happy Sumo!!! I must tell you though how sad I was after I left...I have been going to Happy Sumo for the past 3 years...very rarely do I ever branch out and get something other than my All-Time favorite Vegas Roll! Well, last night I went against everything I have ever known..and I didn't get my favorite Vegas Roll! :( I got the Fuji Chicken (don't get me is amazing too!) I kept on looking over at Tanisha's sushi...I felt like I had broken a commandment or something! For all of you who are sushi fans...don't go to a sushi restaurant and get chicken!'s wrong!

Here are some pictures from the night!...

Anyways...this week has been an awesome week! Not only do I have the best jobs and the best roommates but I bought my favorite thing ever this week! (not really my favorite thing ever...but really close!) Now...I don't know if you have seen Ellen Degeneres stand up comedy called "Here and Now"....but it is amazing!! All of my roommates back like..oh...2 years ago?? We became addicted to it! Thank you Melissa West for introducing it to Caitlin and I! Two summers ago we really did become addicted to it...I know pretty much ever line...and I've probably watched this hour long comedy over 50 times!...Well...Last week me and my roommate Sam went to Ross (that cheaper TJ Max type store) Well...I was just looking around minding my own business when suddenly I see a movie rack from the corner of my eye! I started to look through the movies (most were sick stripper/pole dancing instructional videos) when suddenly I find...
You have no idea how excited I was! I think I may have screamed! This is a HIGHLY recommended should buy it! THE END